Monday, March 13, 2017

March 12 Anna updates

Today was a bad day for all of us. Anna had a tough day. She was not feeling good. Nausea even though she had the medicine for it. We tried a second medicine but not eating all day. She was having seizures all day. It was tough for all of us to see that, to watch her suffer, it got to a point where she was having them about 2 minutes apart or even less. Patrick and Brianna were by her side all day. Right before Pat had to leave for the airport it got really bad. I called the nurse and they told me to use another medicine and that one stopped the seizures. A nurse came to see her and gave her another medicine and gave us a new plan to help her sleep. Also to help the seizures stop and the nausea stop. I just went to check on her and she was breathing real heavy, mentally confused. She is declining so fast. I wish I could say something positive but at this point the only positive thing would be for God to take her out of this body that is broken . Free her from her pain and suffering. Thank you all for calling her, she was happy getting so much love from everyone in her life. She got many people face timing her this weekend so that made her happy. She was happy to have Patrick and Brianna and me and Russ by her side most of the day today. this weekend Patrick sang songs to her, Brianna massaged her feet, cried with her, laughed. As the weekend went by it got sadder and sadder. I will update you tomorrow on how things are going tomorrow. I will go and check her in a couple of hours and give her some more of that medicine. Good night


  1. Peace be with you

    If there is anything you need just ask

    Love to all


    Aka Little Tommy

  2. may God Bless you all and give you strength thru these tough times. We pray for her all day everyday. Tell her I love her and miss her. We have lots of good memories to hold onto.

  3. You are doing everything right. What a wonderful family. Prayers and hugs,
